Saturday, March 14, 2009

Clearing Out The Clutter

Paul pointedly asked, “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?” (1 Cor. 6:19)—which makes me wonder if God often feels like He is living in our messy garage.

Some years ago, a charity touched my heart and I felt led to donate to it. The problem was, there was no extra money in the budget. Inspired by the homeless people I'd seen scouring the trash cans for pop bottles to return for the ten cent deposit, I decided to scour our garage.

I found a goodly amount in the recycle can, but I knew there had to be more. Indeed there were. I searched every inch of the garage, crawling into icky spider-web ridden corners, moved snow blowers, stretched my arms to their limits behind boxes of assorted junk and generally worked hard to retrieve every can I could find. The result wasn't some huge sum of money. It did, though, give me an appreciation of the people who struggle to live on the money they can find in trash cans.

Lately, I have this feeling that I need to do this same sort of scouring, with respect to my life, when it comes to the negative effects of the past. I need to find those things that are holding me back and do battle with them. I have no illusions that this will be an immediate or short-lived thing, but I'm tired of letting it hold me back.

It's funny, just six months ago, the idea of "getting better" was a scary thought. Now the idea of not being "sick" isn't nearly as scary. I certainly retains some of its scariness, but it's also exciting.