Saturday, April 12, 2008

Acts of God

Recent weather has afforded us several opportunities to closely examine the inside of our storm shelter (and then survey the storm damage before calling the insurance company). The amazing strength of nature is humbling.

To my narcissistic father it was maddening. That the weather would not cater to his wishes was a frequent source of his anger and one of the bests reasons he had to curse God. Whether it was too windy so he couldn't do what he wanted or that it was raining and he didn't want it to be dreary, when the weather didn't fit his wishes, he treated it like a personal affront from God. How dare God not give him what he wanted! His plans were important and good, and here was God ruining it with this cursed weather!

Driving through areas with storm damage and listening to people talk about them boosts my faith in the ability of humans to behave humanely. While many buildings are missing windows, especially in areas of older homes or where the people are poorer, still the overwhelming attitude expressed is relief that no one was badly hurt or killed. I've yet to hear one angry complaint because their plans were spoiled.

The gratitude is refreshing.

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